Hello welcome to my Page!

My name is Tyler and I want to tell you the truth about the fitness industry and achieving the dream body you always desired — it's grossly over-complicated.

Over the past 5 years I've dedicated a minimum of 2 HOURS nearly every single day learning, experimenting, and developing my knowledge regarding building muscle, losing fat, and the big one: staying consistent with it.

The fact of the matter is any workout plan will work if you do it long enough — but that is exactly where people fail.

From injuries to overly-demanding schedules, the KEY to getting the results you want lie in your willingness to commit to making fitness a LIFESTYLE — in the words of Simon Sinek, it is an Infinite Game.

To make fitness a lifestyle, you need to enjoy and find fulfillment in it. This doesn't mean you will look forward to working out or staying on your flexible diet every day — but over the long-term you'd PREFER staying on your fitness track rather than falling off.

My job here, is simply that.

Lay all the workouts, meal plans, etc out in front of you and make it as easy-to-understand as possible so you eventually PREFER to follow this lifestyle of health, energy, cool-looking muscles (and occasionally soreness) rather than not.

Now a little about my lifting journey.

I started lifting consistently Summer of 2015 when I was 16. That summer I experimented with different workout splits and exercises in my little apartment gym until I created my own bro-split I enjoyed. It was far from the epitome of workout routines but I enjoyed it AND I got some decent results from it that summer.

About a year later Summer 2016, I haphazardly created a PPL split, did it for about 6 month and decided to stop because I didn't enjoy it -- however, the fruits of my labor paid off and I looked about 85% the size of how I look today. That's when I learned, the key to attaining the physique you want is pure consistency, patience, and a lot of sweat.

Eventually, around 2017 I found my a workout split that I just fell in love with — it was a bro split... go figure.

I continued to follow that routine until Summer 2019 when I broke my finger — I was out of the gym for 8 weeks. At this point I was around 90% of the physique I have today.

When I came back I decided I wanted to try something new. I was watching a lot of Jeff Nippard videos about the Upper/Lower Split and decided to build a new program from the ground up. After inputing the workout in an Excel spreadsheet I arranged the split & exercises in a way so that the volume exceeded my previous bro split.

And honestly, I blew up.

I can thank part of it to muscle-memory, but by far this was the best workout split I've ever done. And all of this... for a measly 10% gain on my physique.

Moral of the story: you can get huge on plenty of different programs. But what matters is that you COMMIT to achieving that physique. Meaning you have the DETERMINATION to persist, the PATIENCE to not give up, and (here's that word again) the CONSISTENCY to MAKE your workout routine work — not hope that it will work.

Any workout routine that hits a few checklists will reward you with gains — albeit some quicker than others.

It's your job to actually put in the work day in and day out.

So why even buy my program if you can get swole off of any of them?

My answer is this: my program is optimized — for both gains AND satisfaction. So you won't ever think about falling off.

“If you want to turn a vision into reality, you have to give 100% and never stop believing in your dream.”

- Arnold Schwarzenegger